Saturday, March 24, 2007


OK so the last three days I have not been able to wake up for work. I get to work on time (or within three minutes of that which with some could be up to 10 or more minutes late but for me that is only up to 5). Perhaps I just don't want to work here, yes?

There are people walking all over the place today. You'd think the Olympics were here or something. Where the hell are all these peeps going? According to Lita there are sales EVERYWHERE. Especially K Mart.
The K Mart here is totally nuts and unlike any K Mart you have ever seen. I should be spending more time there. If you visit Kalispell you should definitely take the time to visit the special KalK Mart.
I don't know how I am going to work here for an entire week! I can't stand it as it is. AND...
How am I going to do this in another location for another hotel? How I ask you??
I am sick of this place. I would like to just not work this summer and go out and explore Montana but that is unrealistic so instead I will work at a hotel and listen to stories of bear sightings and mountain goat attacks from behind the very tall desk. I will be wearing a vest.
An ugly pinstripe vest. I'll do my best.. My job with zest.
I hate uniforms. I hate them. I really don't hate much but I hate wearing a uniform. It pisses me off. That alone might cut my career short at Hamptown. If you have to wear a uniform, why can't it be a totally wild and retarded uniform? Why don't they just pass out rainbow suspenders? A hat would be a nice touch.
I met puppy humpsalot the other day. One of my whore dogs seemed to like his advances. He is one horny little bastard. I wonder how much sex those bitches will be having while I'm at work? I must devise a anti sex plan.
It is nap time again. Seriously. Where are all these people going?

1 comment:

Ali said...

omg puppy humpsalot, that's such a good name for him.

we should go to kmart tomorrow.