Wednesday, March 21, 2007


OK FYI I don't know Patrick Swayze, Wayne Newton or William Shatner. I have not smoked pot with Willie either. Sorry kids.

By kids I mean Erin since she is the only person other than Ali who might read my blog. Ali already knows these things as she is the one who made all the stories up.

Wow wouldn't that be great if I assembled newspapers for a living? Yes. er

OK just a few questions Preguntas?

Is dropping a banana peel out the window littering? Wouldn't it be better to drop it out the window than to put it in a plastic bag and then a landfill? I don't think it should be littering. I think it should be "restoring". Yes. Restoring the soil. Restoring the pavement.

When is Patrick Swayze going to make a comeback?

When will the politicians pick up on my jive and stop lying and just play thumb war instead? Why can't the have a dance off? People would be so much more into that. Then....they wouldn't have to lie. We could just hate them for what they actually do. Not what they say. I think our elections should be based on: thumb war, dance skills and rhyming. Oh also who has the best pets.


Ali said...

forever's gonna stop tonight

ER!N said...

Oh man, I totally thought you really knew P.S. and W.S. I'm SO disappointed.

1. Technically, yes, that's littering, but you're right, you should be given an award for your gift to humanity.
2. Never.
3. Thumb wars, dancing, rhyming, best pets, and Boggle champion. So they still have to use their smarts.

Ali said...

erin doesn't fully realize the power of Swayze.

ps omg have you seen Gummo? there's a clip i have to show you involving an albino woman talking about how she would pay to have sex with Patrick Swayze.